Hello Lithuanian friends
I would like to present some photos that I took recently in my home town Warsaw.
There are quite a lot of stereotypes about the city - some people associate it with grey commie blocks, some with skyscrapers.
I would like to show that there is much much more.
All photos were taken by me very recently (June 2006).
Warsaw skyline - not the best quality photo, but I like it anyway

'Ujazdowskie' avenue

'Ujazdowski' park

Polish parliament

'Wiejska' steet ('Village' street)

pl. Trzech Krzyzy (Three cross square) - very trendy part of the city.

Ksiazeca street ('Prince' street) - in front You can see Warsaw Stock Exchange

'Jerozolimskie' avenue (Jerusalem avenue)

'Foksal' street - another trendy part of the city - full of good clubs

this high blue building is ... student dormitory

and Marszalkowska street (Marshall street) - very long street - one of main and most know streets in Warsaw, however this part of Marszalkowska street is not that popular.

and 'Zbawiciela' square

'Mokotowska' street (one of my favorite in Warsaw - I am working here)

and office building of my company

some photos from the city center - if You'll come to Warsaw You will definately see this view. At the first plan ugly commie block - in fact it's a hotel - fortunately there are plans to demolish the building (or to redesign it completely).

more skyscrapers

pl. Konstytucji (Constitution sqaure) - was build in 50's - very monumental architecture

view on 'Marszalkowska' street

view on 'Koszykowa' street

view on 'Piekna' street ('Beautiful' street)
around pl. Politechniki ('University of Technology' square)
Warsaw University of Technology - main building

'Sniadeckich' street

'Lwowska' street (Lviv street) - very beautiful street with many buildings that surviewed the war.

'Koszykowa' street

once more 'Constitution' square

view on southern part of 'Marszalkowska' street

northen part of 'Marszalkowska' street

my office

'Mokotowska' street - another trendy place

the ugly building to the right will be redeveloped and tured into apartment house

I just love this building

view on 'Wilcza' street ("Wolf' street)

'Mokotowska' - we are heading to Three Cross square

again pl. Trzech Krzyzy (Three Cross square)

view on 'Ujazdowskie' avenue

'Nowy Swiat' street ('New World' street) - one of the most elegant streets in Warsaw - durign the weekends it's turned into pedestrian street.

'Krakowskie Przedmiescie' street - we are entering an area very popular among tourists.
Historicaly speaking 'Krakowskie Przedmiescie' was part of a route, which linked Old Warsaw with Krakow.

it was late evening when I was taking the photos...

Copernicus monument and in the backgruond Polish Academy of Science

Saint Cross church

Warsaw University main gate
- my ex University

more of 'Krakowskie Przedmiescie'

'Europejski' hotel

'Bristol' hotel - one of the most luxurious in Warsaw

and Polish President palace

You can see the monument of Prince Jozef Poniatowski (one of national Polish heros - was fighting together with Napoleon)

another palace - now it's Ministry of Culture

and ... Mickiewicz monument
I think I don't have to introduce this guy
Although he has never been to Warsaw, he has a very nice monument here

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will post more photos soon (of course if You are interested

I would like to present some photos that I took recently in my home town Warsaw.
There are quite a lot of stereotypes about the city - some people associate it with grey commie blocks, some with skyscrapers.
I would like to show that there is much much more.
All photos were taken by me very recently (June 2006).
Warsaw skyline - not the best quality photo, but I like it anyway

'Ujazdowskie' avenue

'Ujazdowski' park

Polish parliament

'Wiejska' steet ('Village' street)

pl. Trzech Krzyzy (Three cross square) - very trendy part of the city.

Ksiazeca street ('Prince' street) - in front You can see Warsaw Stock Exchange

'Jerozolimskie' avenue (Jerusalem avenue)

'Foksal' street - another trendy part of the city - full of good clubs

this high blue building is ... student dormitory

and Marszalkowska street (Marshall street) - very long street - one of main and most know streets in Warsaw, however this part of Marszalkowska street is not that popular.

and 'Zbawiciela' square

'Mokotowska' street (one of my favorite in Warsaw - I am working here)

and office building of my company

some photos from the city center - if You'll come to Warsaw You will definately see this view. At the first plan ugly commie block - in fact it's a hotel - fortunately there are plans to demolish the building (or to redesign it completely).

more skyscrapers

pl. Konstytucji (Constitution sqaure) - was build in 50's - very monumental architecture

view on 'Marszalkowska' street

view on 'Koszykowa' street

view on 'Piekna' street ('Beautiful' street)

around pl. Politechniki ('University of Technology' square)
Warsaw University of Technology - main building

'Sniadeckich' street

'Lwowska' street (Lviv street) - very beautiful street with many buildings that surviewed the war.

'Koszykowa' street

once more 'Constitution' square

view on southern part of 'Marszalkowska' street

northen part of 'Marszalkowska' street

my office

'Mokotowska' street - another trendy place

the ugly building to the right will be redeveloped and tured into apartment house

I just love this building

view on 'Wilcza' street ("Wolf' street)

'Mokotowska' - we are heading to Three Cross square

again pl. Trzech Krzyzy (Three Cross square)

view on 'Ujazdowskie' avenue

'Nowy Swiat' street ('New World' street) - one of the most elegant streets in Warsaw - durign the weekends it's turned into pedestrian street.

'Krakowskie Przedmiescie' street - we are entering an area very popular among tourists.
Historicaly speaking 'Krakowskie Przedmiescie' was part of a route, which linked Old Warsaw with Krakow.

it was late evening when I was taking the photos...

Copernicus monument and in the backgruond Polish Academy of Science

Saint Cross church

Warsaw University main gate

more of 'Krakowskie Przedmiescie'

'Europejski' hotel

'Bristol' hotel - one of the most luxurious in Warsaw

and Polish President palace

You can see the monument of Prince Jozef Poniatowski (one of national Polish heros - was fighting together with Napoleon)

another palace - now it's Ministry of Culture

and ... Mickiewicz monument

Although he has never been to Warsaw, he has a very nice monument here

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will post more photos soon (of course if You are interested
